- MMCA2023
- Zandari_2023
- Zandari_2022
- Feelkeen
- Gugak_Rack
- SWC_final
- Com2us_SummonersWar
- Com2us_jenga
- NC soft_Wine rack
- Leenalchi_MusicCard
- Leenalchi_PlayingCard
- Leenalchi_Jenga
- Leenalchi_FireExtinguisher
- Leenalchi_Sugungga
- Leenalchi_stamp
- Gugak_Musanhyang
- Gugak_Chunengjeon
- Hansol_Protego
- Hansol_ccpn
- Casillero del Diablo
- DDP_coaster
- Samyang
- Umbra
- Cocacola
- Korea National Contemporary Dance Company
- YuhanKimberly
- The Kungfu Froggy
- CJW_paper cutting board
- SuperSlow_Tray Paradise
- SuperSlow_Tray Pond
- Pause and Break_stranger
- Mystery Cube_Yeoju
- Mystery cube
- Reverse Universe
- Multilope canyon
- The Wave
- Tissue Up Girl
- Flip Vase
- Drink the Rainbow
- Frame
- Leaf Tie
- Drink the Moon
- Piece of City
- Bottle Ring
- Bear Stopper
- Dear O
- Taped Up
- Rainy Day
- Fork and Cream Sauce
- Neve
- Circus Pick
- Your Magnet
- Bird Whisk

Taped UP
Give colorful fun to the boredom.
There might have been one or two experiences that got frustrated with arrangements at home and at the company. It is really annoying to organize, but it is one of the things you have to do after all. Every time we arrange, especially the wires and the writing tools would not have been anywhere to hang or fix. I usually tie it together or put it together in one place, but eventually, it gets messy or tangled,
The Taped Up idea began with the tapping of the tape when fixing the object. Taped Up is a tape-shaped holder that can be put anywhere to put things together. Through the Taped Up, which looks like sticking with tape, an unwilling and boring arrangement will turn into an easy and fun thing
Taped UP
Project owner. SPEXTRUM
Creative Director. Tsunho Wang
Designer. Hojin Choi